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Sebentar lagi ramadhan akan segera berlalu, dan idul fitri akan segera hadir…

Yang identik dgn hari idul fitri dimana umat yg telah digembleng melaksanakan perintahanya dan berusaha semaksimal mungkin menjauhi larangannya (selama setahun dan intensif ) sebulan ini, adalah  kita semua kembali fitri. Kembali ke 0 lagi…

So Allah saja memaafkan kesalahan2 kita, maka sesama manusia juga mesti saling memaaf2kan.


4 huruf  yg terdengar mudah tapi sebenarnya gak semudah itu juga (tapi bukan berarti sulit juga sih)

Apa yang akan kamu lakukan pada orang yang melakukan kesalahan yang sama dan selalu minta maaf?

Ada seseorang yg telah Read the rest of this entry »

once upon a time, thare A foolish traveler was on a journey. Why was he foolish? Well, because he was fooled by everyone he met!

Everywhere he went, the villagers made up all kinds of sad stories to tell him, and the traveler fell for every one of them.

Pretty soon, his money, his clothes, even his shoes had been cheated away from him. But, since the traveler was a fool, even the villagers thanked him with lies saying “you saved me!”, he believed them and keep saying

“be happy, be happy!”

In the end the traveler become bare-naked, and was so ashamed so he went inside the forest.

But this time he met the monsters living in the forest, the monsters wanted to eat the traveler’s body, so they began to trick him with lies. Of course the traveler fell for it, so he gave away his legs and arm, one by one. In the end, the traveler only had his head left. Then, he gave away his eyes to the last monster, as the monster ate the traveler’s ayes, it said..

“thank you, I’ll give you a present in return” and left something behind

but, it was just a piece of paper that had “fool” written on it

yet the traveler began to cry

Thank you! thank you! I’ve never gotten a present before! I’m happy, so happy!! He said, and pour tears out his already gone ayes, and then  traveler died soon after……

Taken from episode 11, Fruits Basket ~ a rare gem of an anime


What do you think about the story?

Some people may say the traveler really is stupid, so he got exactly what he deserve…

But other may think, true that he was a fool, but he also kind, and in the matter of doing something good he doesn’t think about winning or losing. And we know that even though he died in-somehow-pathetic-pose, he died in peace and with smile…..

In the end, isn’t that what we all dream of?  🙂

Do you realize that doing the right things is not always easy or fun to begin with?

But somehow, we do it anyway……

Because, we owe that to our heart, we need to be able to have a good night sleep…

The sleep that we earn, because we know for sure that today, we’ve done our very best to do something good.  So if, somehow death comes in our sleep, we will welcome him, and just die with smile and in peace….

imagesIni kenikmatan sebagai seorang muslmini yg hanya bisa gw dapatkan kurang dari sebulan (secara gw ce, so bnyk halanganya gitu loch) dalam satu tahun…

Aktivitas ini sangat gw suka,dan gw tunggu2 setiap tahunnya. rasanya rugiii bgt klo gak sempet/gak bisa taraweh di mesjid, bahkan kadang2 saya memposisikan agar jadwal undangan2 BuBar terjadi pada saat saya “berhalangan” 😛

Apa yg menarik dari taraweh di mesjid (terlepas dari memang anjuranNya agar meramaikan mesjid, terutama di bulan penuh berkah ini) adalah:

  • Penceramah

Berhubung saya selalu tarawih dimesjid sekitar rumah, so sering kali penceramahnya tuh bukan penceramah professional, lucu ajah ngeliat gayanya yg aneh dan kikuk. Ada yg bener2 baca, ada yg sambil tergagap2, ada yg diulang2, ada yg marah2 gak puguh (mungkin niat awalnya mah berapi2, tapi keluarnya jadi kayak orang marah 😛 ) dll. Tentu saja kegelian itu saya tahan dalam2, bagaimanapun juga gak gampang public speaking tuh, apalagi ini mesti dipertanggungjawabkan kepadaNya.

Tapi ada juga yg bagus bgt, seperti malam tadi, cuma membaca suatu ayat tentang keutamaan shalat, dan kemudian dilanjutkan dengan penjelasan bhw: “jadi yg pertama dihisab tuh sholat, so gak perduli kamu Read the rest of this entry »